Above ground biomass estimation of arid rangelands using irs p6 imagery (case study: Deylam, Iran)

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Above ground biomass estimation of arid rangelands using irs p6 imagery (case study: Deylam, Iran)

Shahram Yousefi Khanghah, Hossein Arzani, Seyed Akbar Javadi, Mohammad Jafary
J. Bio. Env. Sci.4( 1), 157-163, January 2014.
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Ten vegetation indices (VIs) including Ratio, Normalized Difference Vegetation Index, Ratio Vegetation Index, Transformed Vegetation Index, Corrected Transformed Vegetation Index, Perpendicular Vegetation Index3, Difference Vegetation Index, Transformed Soil-Adjusted Vegetation Index2, Modified Soil-Adjusted Vegetation Index2, Weighted Difference Vegetation Index used for aboveground biomass estimation (AGB) were derived from Indian Remote Sensing Resource Sat (P6) imagery at an arid rangeland study site in Deylam south western of Iran. 100 sample locations (75 samples for model estimation, and 25 samples for model validation) were selected for the collection of AGB. Correlation coefficients between above ground biomass and VIs were calculated. The results demonstrate that biomass was linearly related to PVI3 (r= -0.491) and WDVI (r= 0.385). The higher bare soil is the main factor making the AGB estimation difficult. These results suggest that Distance Based VIs is useful and performed better than Slope Based VIs for estimating above ground biomass in arid rangelands of Iran.


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