Adsorptive removal of textile dye using carbonaceous material from waste biomass

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Research Paper 01/01/2019
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Adsorptive removal of textile dye using carbonaceous material from waste biomass

Haleema Qayyum, Tayyaba Quraish, Saqlain Abbas, Muhammad Farhan, Maqsood Ahmad, Abdul Wahid
Int. J. Biosci.14( 1), 12-20, January 2019.
Certificate: IJB 2019 [Generate Certificate]


Dyes are present in the waste waters due to waste mismanagement in industries. Due to its toxicity their removal from water bodiesis necessary.  These dyes can be removed by adsorption on activated carbon and this method is an alternative eco-friendly solution of dye removal compared to many other methods. In this study methylene blue (MB) dye was removed by using Tectonagrandis (Sagwan) wood which was activated chemically by using nitric acid (2ml per 100g). Several parameters such as dye concentration (10-60mg/100ml), activated carbon dosage (1-6g), contact time (30-210 minutes), temperature (25-45oC) and pH (2-10) were examined at 200rpm rotation speed in batch mode experiments. By increasing the initial dye concentration, the percentage dye removal was decreased while by increasing the adsorbent dosage, pH and temperature the percentage dye removal increased. Maximum dye removal was observed at 30min. Maximum percentage of dye removal observed was 99.27%. This was achieved at 60mg of dye concentration, adsorbent dosage of 6g and contact time of 150 minutes. According to the results it was observed that the sagwan wood sawdust has highest capacity for the removal of methylene blue dye.

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