Advantage of resistance genetic parameters from several pepaya F1 results (Carica papaya L.) to mealybug pest (Paracoccus marginatus) using choice test method

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Research Paper 01/03/2019
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Advantage of resistance genetic parameters from several pepaya F1 results (Carica papaya L.) to mealybug pest (Paracoccus marginatus) using choice test method

Siti Hafsah, Firdaus
Int. J. Biosci.14( 3), 1-6, March 2019.
Certificate: IJB 2019 [Generate Certificate]


Papaya is a popular and economically important fruit tree of tropical and subtropical country. This study aims to obtain information on the genetic parameters and the best level of resistance of papaya plants to mealybug pests (Paracoccus marginatus) using the choice test method.This study used a Completely Randomized Design with eleven genotypes as a treatment and repeated three times. Observations carried out included variables (plant height, leaf number, petiol length, stem diameter, leaf area index and dry weight), and resistance variables (intensity of attack, number of ovisaks).The results showed that: The intensity of the fourth week of attack after infestation of mealybug pests on choice test found that the genotypes were resistant to testing were USK7, USK1, and USK1xUSK7; heritability values ​​with high category on choice test were found in the character of plant height, petiol length, dry weight and leaf area index; there is a significant correlation on all the characters of plant growth on the intensity of the attack with the highest value of the character of dry weight with the intensity of the attack on the test with a value of -0.58.


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