Allelopathic potential of Notholirion thomsonianum (D.Don) stapf

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Research Paper 01/11/2012
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Allelopathic potential of Notholirion thomsonianum (D.Don) stapf

Shambaleed Humayun, Muhammad Ibrar, Faruukh Hussain, Barkat Ullah
J. Bio. Env. Sci.2( 11), 1-6, November 2012.
Certificate: JBES 2012 [Generate Certificate]


The present study was conducted to assess the allelopathic potential of Notholirion thomsonianum (D.Don) Stapf against Triticum aestivum by using extract of plant parts. The plant material was collected from swat and dried at room temperature (25 ̊C- 30 ̊C). Allelopathic potential was evaluated by conducting experiments in laboratory. The aqueous and hot water treatments were more effective than the liter and mulching experiments. The aqueous extract obtained after 48h has shown more inhibition than the extract obtained after 24h. All the experiments with increase in concentration and duration have shown that the germination declined significantly. Plumule growth, seminal roots length and radical growth inhibited significantly. The fresh and dry weights were decreased. It is suggested that the various assayed parts of Notholirion thomsonianum have strong allelopathic potential against the tested specie. Further investigation is required to see its allelopathic behavior under field condition against its associated species and to identify the toxic principles.


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