An investigation into the effect of different levels of stockosorb on the establishment and vegetative characteristics of Tamarix aphylla and Eucaliptus camadulensis seedlings in a light-textured (sandy) soils

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Research Paper 01/09/2014
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An investigation into the effect of different levels of stockosorb on the establishment and vegetative characteristics of Tamarix aphylla and Eucaliptus camadulensis seedlings in a light-textured (sandy) soils

Mojtaba Ganjali, Mohammad Jafari,Seyed Akbar Javadi, Ali Tavili
J. Bio. Env. Sci.5( 3), 107-114, September 2014.
Certificate: JBES 2014 [Generate Certificate]


This experiment was done to compare the effect of different levels of superabsorbent on the establishment and characteristics of Tamarix aphylla and Eucaliptus camadulensis seedlings in the Agricultural and Natural Resource Research Center of Sistan. The experiments were conducted in light-textured soil. The investigated treatments included: The main factor including irrigation treatment at two water depletion levels of 25% and 75%.. The secondary factor, i.e. superabsorbent treatment, was considered at four levels of 0, 50, 100, and 200 grams for each seedling. The secondary factor included two T. aphylla and E. camadulensis species, which was done in three replications in a split-split plot design. The maximum establishment belonged to E. camadulensis, under water depletion of 25% and the application of 100 grams of superabsorbent. With respect to T. aphylla, water depletion of 25% and the application of 100 grams of superabsorbent accounted for the largest percentage of establishment. The application of the superabsorbent on a light soil positively affected the height of the plant, collar and canopy cover diameter, and the weight of aerial organs and root. In that, these values were higher in E. camadulensis. After collecting statistics, data were analyzed with MSTATC and Excel.


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