Analysis of Land use and Land Cover Change, Causes and Effects on Agricultural Productivity: The Case of Anlemo District in Hadiya zone, Central Ethiopia

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Analysis of Land use and Land Cover Change, Causes and Effects on Agricultural Productivity: The Case of Anlemo District in Hadiya zone, Central Ethiopia

Yohannes Horamo, Fekadu Ayele, Habtewold Atiso
Int. J. Biosci.24( 4), 37-52, April 2024.
Certificate: IJB 2024 [Generate Certificate]


Change in land use land cover (LULC) is one of the constraints which can influence the development of sustainable agricultural in the study area. The change in LULC can negatively affect the possible use of land and completely lead to soil and vegetation degradation that have an influences on crop productivity. LULC change analysis was conducted in Anlemo District in Hadiya zone, Ethiopia for the period of 2000-2018, using Remote Sensing satellite image and Geographic Information System with field verifications. This was to look at LULC change, its causes and influences on crop productivity in Anlemo District. In this study, LULC maps of 2000, 2010 and 2018, and change maps of 2000-2010 and 2010-2018 were produced. Results from LULC change analysis revealed an increase in agricultural land from 36.6% in 2000 to 55.764% in 2018. The increase of agricultural land was mainly at the cost of vegetation and grazing land cover change. Vegetation cover decreased from 21.81% in 2000 to 14.601% in 2018. Shrub land area was 38.81% in 2000 that decreased to 19.933% in 2018 and wetland which was 0.817% in 2000 increased to 1.057% in 2018. The study also made known that the main reasons of LULC changes were mainly, expansion of agricultural land and clearing vegetation. Therefore, these urges to initiate mechanized farming system that permits small land holder farmers to obtain more crop products from their small plot of land and to use alternative sources for fuel to reduce the complete reliance of rural community on forest products.

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