Analysis of traditional mango pickling recipes of Watala and Allied Villages of Barnala, District Bhimber Azad Jammu and Kashmir Pakistan and its commercial perspectives

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Analysis of traditional mango pickling recipes of Watala and Allied Villages of Barnala, District Bhimber Azad Jammu and Kashmir Pakistan and its commercial perspectives

Muhammad Ishtiaq, Tanveer Hussain, Mehwish Maqbool, Shehzad Azam, Shamaila Nazeer, Waheeda Mushtaq, Aziz Ur Rehman, Zil e Huma
Int. J. Biosci.15( 5), 406-417, November 2019.
Certificate: IJB 2019 [Generate Certificate]


Mango is an important indigenous fruit of Watala area of Barnala, District Bhimber Azad Jammu and Kashmir. Indigenous communities’ utilizemangoas ethnomedicines, fruit and condiments (pickle, sauce and juice. Organic mango pickle is prepared using different traditional recipes in the area. In this research, optimization of various recipes was conducted to recommend the best recipe for pickle production at domestic and commercial scale. Five indigenous mango pickling recipes: Watala Mango Pickle (WMP), Sweet Mango Pickle (SMP), Vinegar Mango Pickle (VMP), Chili-Spicy Mango Pickle (CMP) and Namkeen (Salty) Mango Pickle (NMP) were testified. On basis of ethnomedicinal survey and physio-chemical properties, fat mango (called mota aam) was selected for experimental trial. In the analysis, parameters like pH, acidity, and moisture, ascorbic acid content, reducing sugar content, total sugar content and browning of color were studied in triplicate. After different time intervals (0, 30, 60, 90 days) color, consistency, flavour, aroma, texture and acceptability were evaluated to determine organoleptic quality of pickle. Results obtained through 9-point hedonic scale(HPS)proved that recipe WMP was the best one because of lower pH(2.46), less moisture content (50.16),higher acidity (4.21), elegant aroma, less sugar content (6.10), high phenetic texture (with least browning effect: 0.341) and good flavour.Itwas found that with increase of storage period organoleptic properties like color, consistency, flavour, aroma, texture, taste and overall acceptability improved but coloration became brownish/faded.The experimental analysis recommended WMP as the best pickle recipe whileCMP and SMP ranked second and third recipes, respectively. The recipe has potential of commercial production of pickle to meet local and national requirements. This will assist indigenous people to achieve sustainable livelihood for as per united nation’s SGDs.


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