Anatomical and genetical variability of brinjal (Solanum melongena L.) varieties based on RAPD marker

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Research Paper 30/09/2021
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Anatomical and genetical variability of brinjal (Solanum melongena L.) varieties based on RAPD marker

S.N Sima, Irin Lithy
Int. J. Biosci.19( 3), 157-165, September 2021.
Certificate: IJB 2021 [Generate Certificate]


The present investigation was aimed at studying the anatomical characters, quantitative measurement and anatomical features of the stem and leaf of five local varieties Golmakra, Debjhuri hajari, Golapi F1, Kanta begun and China of Solanum melongena of Solanaceae family. Genetic variation was assessed by RAPD DNA fingerprinting method with different primers. The anatomical investigation was conducted by cutting transverse slices from the materials, staining them using double-staining methods, and observing the findings using a powerful compound microscope. Four primers and RAPD molecular markers were used for the molecular analysis. The epidermis was documented as a single layer, according to anatomical study. In the stem, bi-collateral vascular bundles were visible and typically aligned in radial symmetry. RAPD based dendrogram were generated by the UPGMA method and cluster analysis revealed that distinct clusters were found. The preliminary results indicated both genetical and anatomical relationship of stem and leaf of brinjal varieties could be potential sources of germplasm for their use in variety improvement.


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