Animal renewable waste resource as catalyst in biodiesel production

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Review Paper 01/09/2015
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Animal renewable waste resource as catalyst in biodiesel production

A. Gorji
J. Bio. Env. Sci.7( 3), 36-49, September 2015.
Certificate: JBES 2015 [Generate Certificate]


Anxieties increased for using fossil fuels and attention of nations to replacing clean fuels such as biodiesel to that due to decreasing of fuel sources and increasing of energy demand and on the other side whether pollution and environmental problems. Using renewable waste resources in producing biodiesel has been considered by researches due to the less environmental pollution and reducing its production cost. Animal bones, mollusk shells and egg shells are among resources of renewable animal waste that have been researched to produce biodiesel as catalyst. This study is a review of researches that carried out. Studies show that catalysts that produced from renewable animal waste can be applied to produce biodiesel because of availability, abundant resources, renewability, efficient catalyst activity, low cost and possibility to reusing of mentioned catalyst.


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