Antagonistic activities of Trichoderma strains against chili anthracnose pathogen

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Research Paper 01/09/2013
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Antagonistic activities of Trichoderma strains against chili anthracnose pathogen

Mohammad Ahsanur Rahman, Mohammad Anowar Razvy, Mohammad Firoz Alam
Int. J. Micro. Myco.1( 1), 7-22, September 2013.
Certificate: IJMM 2013 [Generate Certificate]


Antagonist activities of different Trichoderma strains were evaluated in vitro against Colletotrichum capsici, a causal agent of anthracnose fruit rot of chili. Dual culture test showed that Trichoderma strains effectively inhibited mycelia growth of the pathogen. T. harzianum IMI-392433 showed the highest inhibition (81.96 %) and mycelial overgrowth (78.98%). Also, metabolites having 80% concentration extracted from 30-day-old T. harzianum IMI-392433 revealed the highest PIRG (percentage inhibition of radial growth) value of 85.16 and 87.18% by using normal poison and modified bilayer poison agar technique, respectively. Further, metabolites extracted from 30-day-old T. harzianum IMI-392433 at a concentration of 2000 mgL-1 completely inhibited spore germination and germ tube elongation of the pathogen. Also, severity of anthracnose was significantly decreased as compared with the control (2% methanol) when chili fruits were soaked in 2000 mgL-1 of 30-day-old metabolites from T. harzianum strains. Importantly, metabolites extracted from T. virens IMI-392430 (71.09) and T. pseudokoningii IMI-392431 (69.52) were found to be most efficient in the inhibition of disease severity. Taken together, our data suggest that Trichoderma strains especially T. harzianum IMI-392433 is a potential antagonistic organism and can be used to control the anthracnose disease caused by C. capsici.

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