Antifungal activity by resistance inducing salicylic acid and plant extracts against postharvest rots of tomato

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Research Paper 01/04/2019
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Antifungal activity by resistance inducing salicylic acid and plant extracts against postharvest rots of tomato

Muhammad Usman Ghazanfar, Waqas Raza, Zafar Iqbal, Salman Ahmad, Misbah Iqbal Qamar, Muzammil Hussain
Int. J. Biosci.14( 4), 264-274, April 2019.
Certificate: IJB 2019 [Generate Certificate]


The utilization of resistance inducing salicylic acid (SA) and botanicals could be valuable alternatives for the management of postharvest diseases of tomato. The aim of this study was to assess the antifungal activity of salicylic acid and plant extracts against sour rot, pink mold rot and Rhizopus soft rot of tomato. Antifungal activity of all botanicals was tested by media amendments and detached fruit assays. The harvested tomato fruits were sprayed with 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10mm salicylic acid and dipped in 25%, 50% and 75% (w/v) extracts of the three plant species. The tomato fruits were inoculated with 105/ml conidia of each tested fungi. The results revealed that SA concentration of 6mM completely retarded the radial growth of all plant pathogens and extract of kinnow fruit peel showed significantly (P<0.05) high antifungal activity and also completely inhibited mycelium growth of tested pathogens. Garlic extract was effective in reducing mycelium growth of G. candidum and T. roseum, while mentha leaves extract proved effective against the mycelial growth of R. oryzae. Postharvest application of SA significantly reduced mycelia growth and lesion diameter on artificially inoculated fruits. Incidence of pathogenic fungi was significantly reduced at 50% concentration when harvested tomatoes were dipped in kinnow peel extract. In conclusion, resistance inducing SA and natural botanicals have potential to manage of postharvest fungal diseases of tomato and can be the alternatives of health hazardous chemical pesticides.

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