Assessing groundwater quality with special reference to the human, agricultural and industrial use in Sargodha Punjab, Pakistan

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Assessing groundwater quality with special reference to the human, agricultural and industrial use in Sargodha Punjab, Pakistan

Muhammad Mobeen, Amatul Moin, Saifur Rehman, Muhammad Fahad Ullah
J. Bio. Env. Sci.13( 5), 26-56, November 2018.
Certificate: JBES 2018 [Generate Certificate]


Twenty first century face enormous threats to fresh water and future wars are based on water issues. And Nations shows efforts toward water resource management. Because their attitudes are sensitive and highly important for water. Water is a great   bestowal of nature. This lively liquid is essential for human survival and for their primary secondary and tertiary activities. The present study deals with the assessment of groundwater quality levels for human, industrial and agricultural use of Sargodha city Punjab Pakistan. The assessment based on water quality analysis of different water parameters like Electrical conductivity, alkalinity, calcium, chloride, hardness, magnesium, total dissolve Solids, turbidity, Sulfate etc.The water for domestic use must be free from turbidity and the drinking water should be odor free. Color less and good test or test less. The harmful micro-organism should not be in the water. The assessment of water quality highly fluctuates in the study area. Water quality parameters are mostly unsafe for drinking and agricultural purposes in central part of the city which is highly built up. While it may use for some types of industries but in surrounding areas quality of water is much better for drinking, agricultural and industrial use. Although overall water quality are unsafe for human use while very few areas have safe water for human drinking and domestic use agriculture also require less dissolve solids water but there are some crops to resist with high solids. Water may use for industries after purifying. Quality Criteria for Agricultural usage: Elements that makes water suitable or unsuitable for agricultural purposes or for irrigation are amount of silt, total salt concentration, relative properties of sodium to the other cations like calcium and magnesium, bicarbonate content and concentration of toxic element such as boron. Quality Criteriafor Live Stock usage:Mainly total dissolved solids and concentration of toxic elements checked for livestock usage. QualityCriteria for Industrial usage: Water quality changed with the type of industry for example Pharmaceutical and paper industry demand of water is purest but in mining industry it is not required purest water. A medium quality of water is used for mining industry.


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