Assessment of heavy metals in Catla catla reared under different treated waste water dilutions at water and sanitation agency (WASA) treatment plant chokera, Faisalabad, Pakistan

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Research Paper 01/06/2015
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Assessment of heavy metals in Catla catla reared under different treated waste water dilutions at water and sanitation agency (WASA) treatment plant chokera, Faisalabad, Pakistan

Sajid Yaqub, Ammara Riaz, Naureen Aziz Qureshi, Farhat Jabeen, Muhammad Samee Mubarik, Shahzad Ahmad, Khizar Samiullah, Sikender Hayat, Farkhanda Asad, Riffat Yasin, Khurram Feroz
J. Bio. Env. Sci.6( 6), 97-104, June 2015.
Certificate: JBES 2015 [Generate Certificate]


Accumulation of heavy metals in fish organs of Catla catla was assessed after rearing them in different waste water dilutions i.e. 20%, 40%, 60%, 80%, 100% at Water and Sanitation Agency (WASA) Treatment Plants Chokera, Faisalabad, Pakistan. Each aquarium was filled with respective concentration. One aquarium was kept as control and no waste water was added to it. A Single breed of Catla catla was kept in respective aquaria maintaining a constant temperature (30°C) and pH (7.00). After the 90 days trial, the fish from each aquarium was dissected and tissue samples were digested in aqua regia for the analysis of heavy metals under atomic absorption spectrophotometer. The results indicated that the order of accumulation of heavy metals was Zn> Co> Cu> Ni> Cd. It was noticed that metal accumulation in various organs of fish varies significantly, ranging from highest in the liver to the lowest in muscles and fins i.e. metals accumulated in pattern: liver> kidney > gills bones > skin> muscles > fins. The amount of metal accumulation also depends on the concentration of waste water made for the experimental trial. The maximum amount of heavy metals was accumulated in 100% waste water and the least amount of heavy metal was accumulated in control medium which was devoid of waste water.


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