Assessment of physico-chemical parameters of Gambhiri River in Chittorgarh City of Rajasthan

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Research Paper 05/02/2025
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Assessment of physico-chemical parameters of Gambhiri River in Chittorgarh City of Rajasthan

Suresh Kumar, Bharati Veerwal, Anita Kumari, Himanshu Garwa, Poonam Sherry
J. Bio. Env. Sci.26( 2), 70-80, February 2025.
Certificate: JBES 2025 [Generate Certificate]


Water is vital to life and the environment but over the past few decades, it has been getting worse and worse due to pollution, climate change, and over-extraction. It’s really important to look at water quality when the main focus is on sustainable development and keeping humanity at the forefront. A study on the physico-chemical parameters of Gambhiri River, Chittorgarh city of Rajasthan was conducted from January 2022 to December 2022. Six sampling sites were selected and the physico-chemical parameters were determined using standard methods and procedures (IS: 3025; APHA: 4500, 1992). The results revealed that the mean of readings of six sites for various physicho-chemical parameters were, like for water temperature it was (27.10 °C), pH (7.70), Total Dissolved Solids (448.69 mg/l), Turbidity (8.69 NTU), Electric Conductivity (832.97µS/cm), Total Hardness (204.17mg/l), Chloride (92.43mg/l), Alkalinity (214.72mg/l), Nitrate (14.43mg/l), Dissolved Oxygen (6.79mg/l), Biological Oxygen Demand (3.57mg/l), Phosphorus (0.09mg/l) and Sulphate (27.71mg/l). The overall result showed that site (S4), i.e., Keer Khera was a more polluted area and the minimum polluted river water area was recorded at the site (S1), i.e., reserve police line among all the studied sites.

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