Assessment of progranulin in egyptian type 2 diabetic patients as a novel biomarker for diabetic nephropathy

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Research Paper 01/12/2016
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Assessment of progranulin in egyptian type 2 diabetic patients as a novel biomarker for diabetic nephropathy

Magda Kamal Ezz, Eman M. Abd El Azeem
Int. J. Biosci.9( 6), 350-359, December 2016.
Certificate: IJB 2016 [Generate Certificate]


Progranulin (PGRN) is a cysteine rich secreted protein, expressed in epithelial cells, immune cells, neurons, and adipocytes. The present study aimed to determine serum progranulin level in Egyptian type 2 diabetic patients and the association between its level with diabetic and renal biomarkers to evaluate it as a predictor marker of diabetic nephropathy. This study included 60 subjects classified as: 20 normal control, 20 diabetic patients with normal kidney function (DM) and 20 diabetic patients with nephropathy (DN). Concentrations of serum PGRN, Cystatin-C and IL-6 were analyzed by enzyme linked immune sorbent assay (ELISA). Diabetic and renal biomarkers were measured in all subjects.  Serum levels of PGRN were markedly higher in type 2 diabetic patients with significantly higher values detectable in clinical diabetic nephropathy. The elevations ins-PGRN parallel the degree of hyperglycemia, hyperinsulinemia, and insulin resistance in type 2 diabetic patients. Renal biomarkers a slight significant change in DM group, this change was augmented in DN group. Cystatin-C and IL-6 were slightly increased in DM group while, e-GFR was non-significantly changed. In DN group, the increase in serum Cystatin-C and IL-6 were highly significant, while e-GFR was dramatically decreased. Our results suggest that PGRN may be considered as a highly sensitive and specific biomarker for diabetic nephropathy.


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