Assessment of vegetation dynamics along altitudinal gradients in Danyore Valley Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan

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Research Paper 01/09/2015
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Assessment of vegetation dynamics along altitudinal gradients in Danyore Valley Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan

Rizwan Karim, Aamir Saleem, Yawar Abbas, Fazal karim, Saeed Abbas, Karim Akbar, Ejaz Hussain
J. Bio. Env. Sci.7( 3), 271-279, September 2015.
Certificate: JBES 2015 [Generate Certificate]


This study was conducted in Danyore Valley, situated some 10 Kilometers North of Gilgit city, and encompasses an areaof 22484 hectare. Data for grasses and trees about parameters of density, frequency and cover was collected on three altitudinal levels, starting from 1450 meters to 3660 meters during late summer and mid-spring seasons. Square shape quadrats with sizes of 100 square meters were laid with alternate pattern on transects for trees and shrubs; whilesquare shape quadrats of 1 square meter were laid for grasses, herbs, and forbs. Transects for all types of vegetation were laid equally on water points, slopes and valley plains. The maximum site density, frequency and cover was found on water points, then on plains sites and minimum on slope sites on all three altitudinal levels. The seasonal density frequency and cover was observed maximum during summer season and minimum during spring season. The density, cover and frequency for different altitudinal levels, density was found maximum at level-3, followed by level-1 and least at level-2. Frequency was studied maximum at level-2, preceded by level-1 and lowest at level-3. Cover was found maximum at level-3, preceded by level-2 and lowest at level-1. The species variation from site to site and level to level probably was because of the different soil type, soil composition, altitudinal variation, soil moisture, varying climate, anthropogenic influences and impacts, livestock rate per level and site and their grazing patterns and preferences.


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