Assessment of youth Perception and Participation in Agriculture in Delta State, Nigeria

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Research Paper 05/09/2023
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Assessment of youth Perception and Participation in Agriculture in Delta State, Nigeria

Owigho Ogheneovo, Eromedoghene Ezekiel Ovoh, Ebewore Solomon Okeoghene, Nwachuckwu Nonyelim Cynthia
Int. J. Biosci.23( 3), 96-107, September 2023.
Certificate: IJB 2023 [Generate Certificate]


The youth constitute an important and dynamic segment of any nation. Hence, their roles in agriculture are very important. This study ascertained youth perception and participation in agriculture in Delta State, Nigeria. The specific objectives were to determine the youth’s perception of farming as an occupation, ascertain the level of youth participation in farming activities, and identify the various constraints to youth participation in agriculture. The multi-stage sampling procedure was used to select a sample size of 256 with the aid of a questionnaire. Various descriptive statistics and logit regression were used for data analysis. Results showed that generally, the youth had a negative view of agriculture, which invariably leads to their poor participation in agricultural activities; only 24.22% of the youth were engaged in agriculture, and of these, 70.97% were involved in the fishery sub-sector, 58.06% in livestock and 25.81% in crop production; no youth was involved in the forestry sub-sector. Several constraints were responsible for the non-participation of youth in agriculture. Insufficient funds (mean 4.77) was the most serious constraint militating against youths’ participation in farming activities. The logit regression result showed that education, white-collar jobs, extension, land availability and income were significant in determining youth participation in agriculture at a 5% level. The study recommends, among others, that the Government should stimulate youth participation in agriculture through several means, especially by giving them financial assistance.


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