Bacillus Thurungiensis isolates from indonesia toxic to mosquito insects

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Research Paper 01/03/2018
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Bacillus Thurungiensis isolates from indonesia toxic to mosquito insects

Akhmad Rizali
Int. J. Biosci.12( 3), 154-161, March 2018.
Certificate: IJB 2018 [Generate Certificate]


B. thuringiensis has been studied worldwide over the past decades, mainly because this gram-positive bacterium produce significant amount of crystal proteins with toxic activity against economically important insect larvae. Most strains of B. thuringiensis produce delta-endotoxin crystals toxic to lepidopteran insects such moth. But some strains of B. thuringiensis produce delta-endotoxin crystals toxic to dipteran insects such as mosquitoes and blackflies. One gram of soil samples was suspended in 9ml of sterile distilled water and shaken for 5min. the upper layer of the soil suspension was transferred to a test tube and heated at 80oC for 5min in water bath to kill non-spore-forming organism and vegetative prepare the sporulated culture, bacteria were grown on nutrient agar pH 7.2, at 30oC for 4 days., it was observed and photographed with (SEM). The results that serovar entomocidus (original starin) produced bipyramidal-formed and entomocidus INA288 produced large cuboidal-form crystals. The PCR screening showed that cry4 Aa had a novel mosquitocidal cry gene and had 70 kDa peptide, but serovar entomocidus (original strain) encodes only cry1Aa, cry1Ab, cry1B and cryIC, which have not been thought to be dipteracidal activity.they had differences form crystal protein, and unique as insecticidal to control the same orders (mosquitocidal).

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