Bat diversity and local conservation initiatives in the Montane forest of MT. Kalatungan in Pangantucan, Bukidnon, Philippines

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Research Paper 01/11/2018
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Bat diversity and local conservation initiatives in the Montane forest of MT. Kalatungan in Pangantucan, Bukidnon, Philippines

Alma B. Mohagan, Angela Grace Toledo-Bruno, Aljem M. Bonghanoy, Cecil Flavia B. Balite
J. Bio. Env. Sci.13( 5), 57-70, November 2018.
Certificate: JBES 2018 [Generate Certificate]


Bat diversity assessment and gathering of data on local conservation initiatives was conducted in two sampling stations viz; the upper and lower montane forest of Mt. Kalatungan Range Natural Park in Portulin, Pangatucan, Bukidnon to provide information on bat species composition, diversity trend and local conservation initiatives in Portolin, Pangantukan,Bukidnonusing95 mist-net nights to capture bats. Bats captured were measured in terms of body length, for arm, ear, tail and femur. Bats were released after taking the morphometries. Five species were recorded in the upper montane forest and four species in lower montane forest with a total of 70 individuals. Three species: Haplonycteris fischeri (Lawrence), Macroglossus minimus (É. Geoffroy), Ptenochirus jagori (Peters) were caught in both stations. Two species: Cynopterus brachyotis (Müller) and Harpyionycteris whiteheadi (Thomas) are disconcordant in the upper montane, while one species Rhinolophus arcuatus (Peters) – an insect bat, was the only disconcordant species in the lower montane. All six species recorded in the upper and lower montane forest of Mt Kalatungan were categorized as Least Concern. In general, these values indicate a relatively low bat diversity.  Species diversity was higher (0.57) in the upper montane and (0.47) in the lower montane forests. Haplonycteris fischeri (Lawrence) is dominant both in upper and lower montane forests, accounting to 33% and 44.3% relative abundance, respectively.Interview and FGD results show that presently, local residents are not practicing bat hunting due to implementation of legal and cultural laws of the community.


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