Biodiversity of Cockroaches from houses of Quetta city, Balochistan

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Research Paper 01/01/2017
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Biodiversity of Cockroaches from houses of Quetta city, Balochistan

Muhammad Kamran Taj, Saeed Ahmed Essote, Sana Arif, Kashif Kamran, Jawaria Ali Tariq, Umbreen Shaheen, Imran Taj, Zahoor Ahmed, Ajaz-ul-Haq, Ghulam Muhammad, Ashfaq Ahmed
Int. J. Biosci.10( 1), 368-373, January 2017.
Certificate: IJB 2017 [Generate Certificate]


Total 249 cockroaches were collected from four zones of Quetta city and which were further classified into five species under three families of Blattodea. The most common species with abundance of 31% was Periplaneta americana followed by Blatta orientalis (22%), Blattella germanica (22%), Blattala teralis (17%) and Polyphaga aegyptiaca (8%). The zone wise distribution results of cockroach’s species revealed that east zone (31%) of Quetta city was more affect as compared to other zones. Periplaneta americana was most dominant in west (9%) and north (9%) zones while least abundant in east (6%) zone. The highest percentage of Periplaneta americana was recorded in car porch (8%) of houses. Blatta orientalis was second the most abundant cockroach and was most dominant in west (7%) zone while highest percentage was observed in car porch (9%) and galleries (8%) of houses. Blatta lateralis was most dominant in east (8%) zone while in houses highest percentage was found in kitchen (10%). Blattella germanica was most dominant in east (10%) zone while highest percentage was recorded (14%) in kitchen and store rooms (8%). Polyphaga aegyptiaca was least abundant as compared to other recorded species of Quetta city. The Polyphaga aegyptiaca was most dominant in north (4%) zone while highest percentage (7%) in car porch and least was recorded in house floor (1%). There was no scientific work done on the cockroaches in Balochistan specifically in Quetta region, this present research identifies the local cockroach’s species, so as to fill partially the research gap that exists in the field of taxonomy of Blattodea.


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