Bioremediation of crude oil impacted soil utilizing surfactant, nutrient and enzyme amendments

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Research Paper 01/04/2014
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Bioremediation of crude oil impacted soil utilizing surfactant, nutrient and enzyme amendments

Samson Eruke Okoro, Akuro Adoki
J. Bio. Env. Sci.4( 4), 41-50, April 2014.
Certificate: JBES 2014 [Generate Certificate]


The present study was designed to investigate possible methods to enhance the rate of biodegradation of crude oil highly impacted soil excavated from a site at K-Dere in Gokana Local Government Area of Rivers State, Nigeria. The experiment consisted of fourteen treatment reactor vessels subdivided into Groups EA, UA, SD, EUS, SLG-GS and SLG and set up in triplicate concentrations. Individual reactor vessels contained 20kg of crude oil impacted soil and 7kg of agricultural soil. Groups EA, UA, SD and EUS were treated with an anionic surfactant sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), enzyme additive, oleophilic nutrient (uric acid) and a combination of SDS, enzyme additive, uric acid respectively. Control group SLG did not receive any treatment while Control group SLG-GS received agricultural soil only. TPH reduction in the impacted soil varied between 4.0 and 45.0% within five weeks as well as between 11.0 and 64.0% after nine weeks of applying the treatments respectively. The group that received a combination of SDS, enzyme additive and uric acid showed the highest reduction in TPH by the end of the ninth week. Total Organic Carbon (TOC) reduction ranged from 4.0 and 30.0% between day 0 and week 5 as well as from 0.0 and 50.0% between weeks 5 and 9 respectively in the test groups. The pH of the degrading impacted soil fluctuated between 6.12 and 9.49 during the same period. When compared with the 0.0% TPH reduction in the Control group SLG, the added treatments evidently increased he rate of bioremediation of the impacted soil.


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