Breeding practices of cattle at the villages of Dinajpur district in Bangladesh

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Research Paper 01/02/2018
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Breeding practices of cattle at the villages of Dinajpur district in Bangladesh

Jahura Begum, Ashika Akbar Trisha, Md. Kamrul Hasan Majumder, Md. Shamsul Hossain, Farukul Islam
Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res.12( 2), 32-37, February 2018.
Certificate: IJAAR 2018 [Generate Certificate]


To explore the genetic potential of a breed, nutrition, care and breeding practices are the most important prerequisite. So to gather information about breeding practices exercised at the studied villages and learn about knowledge gap of cattle keeping farmers, this research work was designed and conducted. The study was conducted at the villages of Dinajpur district in Bangladesh during June to July 2016. A total of 301 farmers were randomly selected to collect data on cattle breeds kept, milk production, mating systems, knowledge of farmers about genetic relationship of breeding bulls and cows. Collected data were analyzed using SPSS software. Secondary level educated peoples (52.82%) were dominating the cattle farming. Farmers kept Deshi (68.11%), Holstein-Friesian (38.87%), Shahiwal (14.29%) and Jersey crossbred cattle. Most of the farmers (69.77%) were practicing artificial insemination (AI) system to inseminate their cows.  During insemination their cows (neither in natural nor in AI system) they collected information on genetic merit of breeding bulls. Many farmers (57.81%) reported that peak milk production was in the second month of lactation period of their lactating cows and average milk production was 7.25±0.67 liter/day/cow.  Per farm female and male cattle numbers were 4.34±0.22 and 2.84±0.12, respectively. Many farmers did not consider the genetic relationship between breeding bulls and breeding cows during insemination. Present research findings might be suggested that, knowledge of farmers in the study area in cattle reproductive management was very poor.


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