Causal factor of gibberellic acid (GA3) and nitrogen on growth and yield of cabbage

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Research Paper 01/03/2019
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Causal factor of gibberellic acid (GA3) and nitrogen on growth and yield of cabbage

Anjuman Ara Akther, Md. Hasanuzzaman Akand, Fatema Akter, Md. Shariful Islam, Ashutus Singha, Md. Abu Sayem Jiku, Muhiuddin Faruquee, Md. Arifur Rahaman
Int. J. Biosci.14( 3), 493-503, March 2019.
Certificate: IJB 2019 [Generate Certificate]


Different levels of GA3 and nitrogen effect was studied on cabbage cultivar ‘Atlas 70’ in the Sher-e-Bangla Horticulture Farm, Dhaka during November 2015 to March 2016. The objective of this research was to find out the suitable combination of GA3 and nitrogen for ensuring better growth and higher yield of cabbage. The experiment was set-up and considering the two-factor such as three levels of GA3; G0 = 0ppm, G1 = 60ppm and G2 = 80ppm and four levels of nitrogen; N0= 0kg/ha, N1= 210kg/ha, N2= 240kg/ha, N3= 270kg/ha. As per the result of GA3, the highest yield (87.87t/ha) was obtained from G1 and lowest yield (74.29t/ha) was gained from G2. For nitrogen, the highest yield (85.41t/ha) was obtained from N2 and lowest yield (70.83t/ha) was obtained from N0. Among all treatments combinations G1N2 produced the highest yield (97.77t/ha) and G0N0 produced lowest yield (68.88t/ha). So, it is clearly concluded that 60ppm of GA3 and 240kg N/ha may be used for cabbage cultivation for higher yield and better root growth. This study also supports to the different farmer in cabbage cultivation as well as economic benefited to the farmers.

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