Characteristics and carbon properties of mangrove soils in Pasuruan and Probolinggo Regency, East Java, Indonesia

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Research Paper 01/06/2019
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Characteristics and carbon properties of mangrove soils in Pasuruan and Probolinggo Regency, East Java, Indonesia

Muhammad Arif Asadi, Arizal Mahendra Rahardani, Bambang Semedi
J. Bio. Env. Sci.14( 6), 227-232, June 2019.
Certificate: JBES 2019 [Generate Certificate]


Mangrove soils are the foundation for mangrove forests and have unique functions and characteristics. This study was performed in the mangrove soils of Pasuruan and Probolinggo Regency, East Java, Indonesia. It aimed to characterize the type of mangrove sediment as well as to estimate the soil bulk density (BD) and % organic carbon (OC). The sediments were sampled up to the depth of 50cm (0-10cm, 10-25cm, and 25-50cm) using a modified stainless steel soil auger with a diameter of 6.5cm. OC measurement was performed using combustion method. The grain size determination was determined using both gradation and hydrometer methods. Based on the proportion of sand, silt and clay particles, the types of sediment were mostly dominated by silty sand followed by sandy silt, and silt, 47%, 20%, and 20% respectively. Meanwhile, the values of BD were between 0.81g cm-3 and 1.24g cm-3 with an average value of 0.99g cm-3. % OC values varied from 4.7% to 10.16% with an average value of 6.61%. BD was inversely correlated with % OC in which the higher BD likely resulted the lower value of % OC. It might due to the property of finer sediment that has higher affinity to attach organic matter.


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