Chemical variability of climate sequence of manganesiferous soil derived from volcano-sedimentary materials in Côte d’Ivoire
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Chemical variability of climate sequence of manganesiferous soil derived from volcano-sedimentary materials in Côte d’Ivoire
Knowledge of limiting factors is an important prerequisite for ensuring efficient agricultural production, agronomically, economically and environmentally. The objective of this study is to determine the basic physicochemical properties of manganiferous soils derived from volcano-sedimentary material under different climatic facets. Three sites on different climatic facets were prospected. An analysis of soil samples was carried out in order to determine the physicochemical parameters (water pH, exchangeable bases, CEC, organic matter, phosphorus). The results show that soils are acidic with pH <5.5. The available phosphorus is better supplied with contents greater than, while the complex is strongly desaturated. This study has highlighted the existence of a marked climatic gradient for organic matter and CEC. These elements follow a decreasing trend, from the North (Savannah zone and Sudanese climate) to the South (forest zone and Attiean climate). The forest area (Guitry) in Attiean Climate remains better enriched in bases compared to the other zones studied. The influence of microclimatic conditions on pedogenesis is important in the individualization of Cambisols.
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Krogba Yves Nangah, Yao Kouman Nestor Kouakou, Kouamé Antoine N’Guessan, Albert Yao-Kouame (2020), Chemical variability of climate sequence of manganesiferous soil derived from volcano-sedimentary materials in Côte d’Ivoire; JBES, V16, N5, May, P1-11
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