Coastal community perceptions and management strategies towards the coastal and marine resources of Ipil and Tungawan, Zamboanga Sibugay

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Research Paper 15/05/2022
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Coastal community perceptions and management strategies towards the coastal and marine resources of Ipil and Tungawan, Zamboanga Sibugay

Jay Ann S. Tambac, Jaime Q. Guihawan, Hernando Bacosa, Lilybeth Olowa
J. Bio. Env. Sci.20( 5), 8-18, May 2022.
Certificate: JBES 2022 [Generate Certificate]


This study was conducted to assess the perception and management strategies of coastal communities towards the coastal and marine resources of Ipil and Tungawan, Zamboanga Sibugay. With the use of survey questionnaire, a total of 45 respondents from the coastal community of Ipil and Tungawan participated in the study. Most of the respondents in the study practice fishing and most of them have relied 76-100% of their family income in in this activity. Based on the study conducted, all of the residents in the coastal community have participated in the management strategies which were implemented through law enforcement and community development activities. Ipil focuses on providing an incentive based approach among its residents while Tungawan focuses on strengthening its law enforcement while coordinating with other government agencies that requires the residents to join the community development activities. Respondents of the study described the condition of coastal and marine resources upon their arrival in the area, were in deteriorating state and has improved at present. With the current government efforts most of the respondents were hopeful and thus, perceived that the resources would improve in the coming 5, 10 to 15 years. Moreover, a study that focuses on the socioeconomic effect of this management strategies was therefore recommended for future researchers.

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