Coastal women involvement on the various fisheries management programs in the Coastal Municipalities of Pampanga

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Coastal women involvement on the various fisheries management programs in the Coastal Municipalities of Pampanga

Geena B. Hipolito
J. Bio. Env. Sci.14( 3), 86-106, March 2019.
Certificate: JBES 2019 [Generate Certificate]


The study was conducted to determine the extent of involvement of women in three coastal municipalities of Pampanga to various fisheries management programs implemented by local and national government agencies. Result of the study revealed that most of the women respondents are dominated by the age group of 31-40, married, secondary undergrad and graduates, and having a household size of 1-3 members. Most of the respondents are not members of a civic organization and most of them did not receive trainings or seminars related to fisheries management. In terms of socio-economic profile, most of the women don’t have a source of income and efforts are mainly on domestic workloads that usually unpaid. Result also indicated that level of awareness of women on fisheries management is low with verbal interpretation of “slightly aware”. Awareness was found to affect participation in which level is very low with a verbal interpretation of “slightly aware”. A strong positive association between level of awareness and level of involvement was revealed. Furthermore, women considered conflict among resource users as the main problem identified needing implementation of management programs. Lastly, reproductive and childcare responsibility was considered a major barrier to their participation in resource management. Trainings, seminars, workshops, and another study are highly indispensable.


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