Commercial citrus cultivars resistance evaluation and management to canker disease

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Research Paper 01/06/2015
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Commercial citrus cultivars resistance evaluation and management to canker disease

Muhammad Mustafa, M. Imran, M. Azeem, Adnan Riaz, Muhammad Afzal
Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res.6( 6), 1-9, June 2015.
Certificate: IJAAR 2015 [Generate Certificate]


Citrus production in Pakistan is confronted with a number of biotic and environment stresses due to which yield remained far lower than the potential yield. To combat this problem, a study was conducted in research area of Department of Plant Pathology. Fifteen commercial citrus varieties were screened against canker disease to find out degree of resistance. Jaffa, pine apple, kinnow, mungal singh, tangerine, succari, were found moderately resistant. Five varieties such as chinese lime, musambi, grapefruit, blood red and mayer lime were highly susceptible to canker disease. The susceptible varieties were feutral’s early, sweet lime, malta and valentia late showed moderately susceptible response against the canker disease. In vitro and vivo condition, sensitivity to plant extracts and antibiotic of Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. Citri.(Xac) was studied at different combination. Withania somnifera (Aksin), Achyranthus aspera (Akk) and Agrimycine-100 (1%) were used at standard dose against Xac in vitro. Withania somnifera (Aksin), Achyranthus aspera (Akk), pesticide (Fon 75%WP, and antibiotic (Agrimycin-100) were used to control citrus canker disease under field conditions. Agrimycine-100 (1%) alone or in combination with Withania somnifera (Aksin) performed better against Xac produced significantly longer inhibition zones (4.19cm). The combination of Agrimycine-100 at 1% plus Withania somnifera at 7.5% and Agrimycine-100 at 1% plus Achyranthus aspera significantly reduced the disease compared to control under field condition.


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