Comparative study of proximate composition and mineral contents in Ctenopharyngoden idella and Rita rita collected from River Chenab

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Comparative study of proximate composition and mineral contents in Ctenopharyngoden idella and Rita rita collected from River Chenab

Muhammad Asrar, Mubashra Tabasum, Khizar Samiullah, Syed Makhdoom Hussain, Muhammad Samee Mubarik, Riffat Yasin, Shaheen Fatima, Abdul Rauf, Shakeela Naz, Mahpara Gilani, Muhammad Tayyab
Int. J. Biosci.13( 3), 29-37, September 2018.
Certificate: IJB 2018 [Generate Certificate]


Riverine system can provide healthy Catfish and Grass carps in term of mineral and nutrients as compared to the fish cultured in the hatcheries. The current study was carried out to find out the chemical composition and mineral contents in Ctenopharyngodon idella (grass carp) and Rita rita (catfish). The main objectives were to find the effect of feeding habitat on the fish growth, to determine the nutrients and minerals composition in the fish body. The samples of fish carcass were analyzed by standard methods (AOAC, 1995). The maximum percentage of protein, fat, moisture and ash in Ctenopharyngodon idella were 44.431±10.746, 19.64±0.104, 0.713±0.058 and 9.486±12.834 respectively while in Rita rita were 37.125±8.918, 22.63±0.052, 0.425±0.4960 and 6.312±8.628 respectively. The maximum percentage of Ca, K, Mn, Na, Cr, Zn in Ctenopharyngodon idella were 18.804±4.514, 0.856±0.049, 0.963±0.027, 0.835±0.048, 756±0.136, 8.575±2.008 while in Rita rita were 0.135±0.015, 9.091±12.782 0.135±0.015, 9.091±12.782, 2.224±2.982, 8.210±11.402 respectively.  The duration of the sample collection was 6 months on fortnightly bases. The fish samples were collected from head Marla River Chenab, district Sialkot, Pakistan and local fish hatchery Sialkot. Data was subjected to one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). The Co-Stat computer software (Version 6.303, PMB 320, Monterey, CA, 93940 USA) was used for statistical analysis. The present study showed important information and significant difference (P<0.05) between the studied fish species regarding proximate composition and mineral contents.


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