Comparison of different solvents used in nanochloropsis algae oil extraction

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Research Paper 01/11/2014
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Comparison of different solvents used in nanochloropsis algae oil extraction

Omid Rahmanpour, Hadi Ajami, Ahmad Shariati, Amir Hosseinzadeh Helaleh
J. Bio. Env. Sci.5( 5), 234-240, November 2014.
Certificate: JBES 2014 [Generate Certificate]


In the past decades, the edible vegetable oil fuels were of no interest as a source of energy due to their higher price compared to fossil fuels. Recent increases in petroleum prices and confusions about the future petroleum availability have increased a renewed interest in vegetable oil fuels for diesel engines. There are large amounts of low-cost oils such as algal oils that could be converted into biodiesel. Microalgae have high potential for production of biodiesel. Thus transition to second generation biofuels, such as microalgae, can also contribute to a decrease in land needs due to their presumed higher energy yields per hectare and non-requirement of agricultural land. This paper presents technological advances made in extraction of microalgae oil. Different solvent extractions were compared using Soxhlet method for maximum oil extraction. Also the most suitable solvent and temperature conditions for the highest oil extraction yield were determined.


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