Comparison of seed viability in vegetable and grain type soybean (Glycine max L.) Merrill] as influenced by packing materials and seed treatments during storage

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Research Paper 01/12/2017
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Comparison of seed viability in vegetable and grain type soybean (Glycine max L.) Merrill] as influenced by packing materials and seed treatments during storage

Mohammad Safar Noori, Rame Gowda
Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res.11( 6), 1-8, December 2017.
Certificate: IJAAR 2017 [Generate Certificate]


Vegetable soybean is one of the largest protein rich grain crop in the world. Maintaining high seed viability in soybean during the storage period is very important for seed industry. Therefore, the present study was conducted to evaluate the influence of packing materials and seed treatment on seed viability of vegetable soybean in comparison with grain type during the storage. To achieve this objective, seeds of two soybean cultivars viz., GC-00209-4-1-1 (KARUNE, vegetable type) and RKS -18 (grain type) were treated with Thiram (3g kg-1), Trichoderma viridae (7.5g kg-1) and untreated seed as control and then they were stored in cloth bag, super grain bag and polypouches for nine months under ambient conditions of Bangalore, India. The results indicated that seeds treated with Thiram and packed in polypouches and super grain bag recorded significantly higher germination (82.0%), field emergence (74.4%), seedling vigour index (2018), total dehydrogenase activity (2.4) and lower electrical conductivity of seed leachate (0.95mS/ppt) as compared to seeds treated with Trichoderma viridae and untreated seeds (control). However, among the cultivars, RKS-18(grain type) stored better and recorded higher germination (84.3%), field emergence (76.0%), seedling vigour index (2279), TDH (2.6) and low EC of seed leachate (0.70 mS/ppt) at the end of nine months storage. It is concluded that seed treatment of soybean with Thiram (3 g kg-1) and using either polypouches or super grain bag could be advocated to maintain seed viability of both cultivars during the storage.


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