Comparison some physical properties of six varieties of wheat seeds using image processing

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Research Paper 01/06/2015
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Comparison some physical properties of six varieties of wheat seeds using image processing

Salah Ghamari, Saber Nemati, Reza Talebi, Abdolvahed Khanahmadzadeh
J. Bio. Env. Sci.6( 6), 317-323, June 2015.
Certificate: JBES 2015 [Generate Certificate]


Automated computer methods which utilize high-speed image capturing and data processing are the most advanced methods, providing a high degree of accuracy in seed quality testing and sorting. In order to present a quick and accurate method for measuring physical properties, the image processing technique was used to characterize the physical properties of six bread wheat genotypes (Azar2, Gaskozhen, MD, Pishgam, Sainoz and Sardari). From each variety, 100 seeds were selected randomly and high quality images of them were acquired. Feature extraction of images, including dimensions, projected area and color of them was down. The results showed that the sardari and sainoz varieties had the maximum and minimum values of seed length. Also for the width and projected area of seeds, maximum and minimum values belong to pishgam and sainoz varieties, respectively.The sardari and MD varieties respectively presented the high and low mean values of R, G and the maximum and minimum values for B belong to sainoz and MD varieties, respectively. These results can be useful in recognition and classification of wheat varieties.


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