Contamination of anti malarial plants by Lead and cadmium in cotonou, Republic of Benin

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Contamination of anti malarial plants by Lead and cadmium in cotonou, Republic of Benin

Montcho Sabine Afiavi, Koudouvo Koffi, Johnson Roch Christian, Guédénon Patient, Hounkpatin Armelle Sabine, Sossou Dolorès, Sopoh Ghislain Emmanuel, Gbéassor Messanvi, Edorh Patrick Aléodjrodo
J. Bio. Env. Sci.4( 5), 285-295, May 2014.
Certificate: JBES 2014 [Generate Certificate]


In order to investigate the level of contamination with toxic heavy metals in anti-malarial plants sold in the markets of Cotonou, some anti-malarial plants were selected through an ethno-botanic survey by using the ATRM (Triple Purchase of Healing Plants) a method elaborated in Togo. Out of 35 species of plants listed as anti-malarial, 5 were selected for the assessment of the contamination with toxic heavy metals. Our study showed that the maximal values for almost all samples contaminated with lead and Cadmium was above the standards accepted by the World Health Organization (WHO). Besides, it was revealed that the contamination with toxic heavy metals depends on each species as well as on the site of purchase. Senna rotundifolia was more contaminated with lead (2.733mg / kg ± 0.356mg / kg) and with cadmium (0.583mg / kg ± 0.044mg / kg) on the site of Vossa than on the site of Dantokpa (1.825mg/kg ± 0.133mg/ kg and 0.062mg/kg ± 0.015mg/kg) respectively. It comes out of our investigations that the administration of herbal preparations containing these plants could have an impact on the health of the populations and on the environment.


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