Contribution to comparative study of the physico-chemical quality of waters of Moulouya and Ansegmir rivers in upstream of Hassan II dam (Province of Midelt, Morocco)

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Contribution to comparative study of the physico-chemical quality of waters of Moulouya and Ansegmir rivers in upstream of Hassan II dam (Province of Midelt, Morocco)

Mohamed Chahboune, Abdelkader Chahlaoui, Abdelhamid Zaid
J. Bio. Env. Sci.4( 2), 278-288, February 2014.
Certificate: JBES 2014 [Generate Certificate]


The hydrographic network of the watershed of lake of Hassan II Dam (Midelt, Morocco) is fairly well developed. This latter is mainly represented by rivers Moulouya and Ansegmir, whose flows are virtually permanent. With an area of 3300 km² approximately, catchment of the dam is subject to the phenomenon of erosion and anthropogenic disturbances that can have a negative effect on the quality of water injected into the dam. The aim of this work is to evaluate the impact of the waters of Moulouya and Ansegmir rivers on the Hassan II dam. To do so, we started a comparative study of the physico-chemical quality of water injected by these two wadis in the lake of the dam during the period from September 2011 to August 2012. The results obtained showed that the waters of the Moulouya river were characterized by a high organic and mineral pollution; they were hard, rich in total phosphorus, sulfates, chlorides and ammonium compared to the Ansegmir river which the load of suspended matter and nitrates was very important. Comparison of flow of total phosphorus and suspended matter brought by the wadis in lake of the dam showed that Moulouya seems to have an eutrophying impact and the Ansegmir river seems to have a silting effect.


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