Contribution to the evaluation of gastric microbiota, case of B gastritis

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Research Paper 01/02/2019
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Contribution to the evaluation of gastric microbiota, case of B gastritis

Djamel Eddine Bekada, Ahmed Mohammed Ali Bekada, Naïma Settache, Fatima Zohra, Bensadoun, Ibtissem Takarli, Djamel Ait Saada, Abed Arabi, Abdelkader Merahi, Mebrouk Kihal, Miloud Heddadji
Int. J. Biosci.14( 2), 521-535, February 2019.
Certificate: IJB 2019 [Generate Certificate]


The present study focused on the isolation and identification of the gastric bacterial ecosystem involved in the pathology of B type gastritis according to Sydney classification. Isolation performed after grinding the various biopsies on specific selective culture media permitted a selection a set of bacteria belonging to this gastric ecosystem. The data were phenotypically identified, by biochemical assays use, different API galleries. The main isolated germs belong to the genus and species, Staphylococcus aureus, Proteus-mirabilis, and Helicobater-pylori.


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