Determination of biological characteristics of Artemia salina (Crustacea: Anostraca) population from saline Bethioua (Oran, Algeria)

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Determination of biological characteristics of Artemia salina (Crustacea: Anostraca) population from saline Bethioua (Oran, Algeria)

D. Kherraz-Chemlal, T. Boukhatem, F. Khelil, F. Sahnouni, A. Maatalah, Z. Boutiba
Int. J. Biosci.10( 1), 117-125, January 2017.
Certificate: IJB 2017 [Generate Certificate]


This study is devoted to some aspects of the morphology and estimates the quality of Artemia cysts (branchiopod, Anostraca) from saline Bethioua (Oran, Algeria). The standard procedure used for the outbreak of cysts is that of Sorgeloos et al. (1986) and for decapsulation the method of Vanhaecke et al. (1980).The results allowed us to detect the existence of natural population at the site, with decapsulated cysts averaging 217.66 ± 17.5μm in diameter; the length of freshly hatched nauplii was 522.36±32,4μm. Concerning the study of the quality of cysts, our results have identified efficiency outbreaks of 93120 nauplii/ g., and hatching rate of 74.34 % which is an excellent quality compared to other cysts already studied in Algeria. For the synchronization time Ts = 7h. For the determination of proteins and lipids results it show very acceptable rates especially for proteins with 55.5 % and 41 % and 8 % and 18.5 % for the lipids in the decapsulated cysts and nauplii respectively. It is concluded that cystes and nauplii of Artemia produced in the saline of Bethioua may be an excellent nutritional source for the larval stage of fish and crustaceans.


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