Disease description of Scleractinian Coral by Visual Method at Prigi, Bay, East Java

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Disease description of Scleractinian Coral by Visual Method at Prigi, Bay, East Java

Oktiyas Muzaky Luthfi, Ninik Ika Sulistianingrum, Andik Isdianto, Daduk Setyohadi, Alfan Jauhari
J. Bio. Env. Sci.12( 3), 315-323, March 2018.
Certificate: JBES 2018 [Generate Certificate]


Coral disease recently became the main factor for degradation of coral reef in Indo-Pacific area. The coral disease becomes hot issues due to the complex of etiology between the host, agents, and environment. This research has purposed to find out the description of coral diseases in south Java sea area. This research was conducted from March-May 2017 in three different stations in Prigi Bay, Trenggalek, East Java, Indonesia. The coral data obtained by using belt transect 1 x 100m in each station. We were classified diseased coral into tissue loss predation and tissue loss non-predation. The coral tissue loss may be coming from predator or bacteria consortium activities. Fish byte made coral tissue loss and left scars that can be an evidence the species of fish. Six types of diseases were found in Prigi Bay, they were: black band disease, atramentous necrosis, ulcerative white spots, white spots, trematodiasis and growth anomalies. The coral disease prevalence in Prigi Bay was 10.87%.


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