Distribution, diversity and roles of insects in mulberry plantation

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Research Paper 01/01/2022
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Distribution, diversity and roles of insects in mulberry plantation

Elizabeth P Obra
J. Bio. Env. Sci.20( 1), 85-92, January 2022.
Certificate: JBES 2022 [Generate Certificate]


This study investigated the distribution, diversity and roles of insects in mulberry (Morus alba var. Alfonso) plantation that utilized survey and insect collection in January and September of 2019, reflecting the cool-dry and wet seasons respectively and the Shannon-Weiner diversity index (H) was employed to measure insect diversity and evenness. The abundant insects in all collecting seasons belong to insect order Lepidoptera (larvae) that accounted for 38%, Collembola (14%), Hymenoptera (11%), Hrmiptera (9%), and 8% for other arthropods while the insect diversity and evenness (H), were 2.28 and 0.82 for cool-dry season; and 1.954 and 0.762 for rainy season while t-test results exemplified similar insect diversity and evenness on both collecting seasons though some insects were abundant during rainy days. There were beneficial insects like some Coleoptera, Hymenoptera, Odonata, Orthoptera and other arthropods as natural enemies to insect pest; some were considered as pests and identified as defoliators (Lepidopteran larvae), sap suckers (Hemiptera and Homoptera), borers (Coleoptera) and some were pests inhabiting the soil (Isoptera). Collembolans were abundant in the soil as well which aid in the decomposition of organic matter forming soil microstructure and the recycling of nutrients to be used by mulberry plants for growth and development. Physical control measures such as individually picking the insects and removing the damaged parts of the mulberry are recommended to prevent further damage on mulberry plants. Intensified planning of mulberry pruning for silkworm rearing shall be considered so as not to coincide with excessive population of detrimental insects.


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