Diversity of butterflies (Order: Lepidoptera) in assam university campus and its vicinity, cachar district, assam, India

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Diversity of butterflies (Order: Lepidoptera) in assam university campus and its vicinity, cachar district, assam, India

Atanu Bora, L.R. Meitei
J. Bio. Env. Sci.5( 3), 328-339, September 2014.
Certificate: JBES 2014 [Generate Certificate]


A preliminary study on the diversity of butterflies was carried out in Assam University campus and its vicinity, Cachar district, Assam, India from June 2013 to May 2014 using transects lining method (Barhaum et al., 1980). The University Campus is surrounded by lush green hillocks, natural lakes and the picturesque tea gardens of South Assam. The inner landscape is featured by sprawling lawns, well nurtured gardens and eco-forests which serves as the store house of a wide variety of butterflies showing an excellent diversity. A total of 96 species of butterflies belonging to 68 genera and five families were recorded during the study period, of which 13 species were under the rare category (included 9 rare* and 4 very rare**). During the course of the present studies it was observed that the family Nymphalidae represented by 23 genera and 34 species was the most dominant followed by Lycaenidae (19 genera, 20 species), Hesperiidae (13 genera, 15 species), Pieridae (9 genera, 14 species) and Papilionidae (4 genera, 13 species). As the area houses 96 species of butterflies distributed throughout the campus, it can be presumed to have a good diversity of butterflies, which may be attributed to the sprawling lawns and well nurtured gardens that provide a suitable nectar source throughout the varying seasons, and especially the eco-forests that serves a breeding habitat to the butterflies.


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