Diversity of molluscs in the Bagoue region (Côte d’ivoire): Influence of seasons
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Diversity of molluscs in the Bagoue region (Côte d’ivoire): Influence of seasons
Côte d’Ivoire finds itself lacking in animal proteins despite the multiple efforts made to achieve food self-sufficiency for its population. Indeed, natural resources capable of guaranteeing food security are under pressure from humans (destruction of forests and wildlife and action of bush fires). Thus, our work was carried out in the Bagoué region in the north of Côte d’Ivoire. From January 2018 to December 2019 (2 years), we inventoried 7 species of mollusks divided into 5 families according to the two well-defined dry and rainy seasons. To carry out our work, the Bagoué region was divided into six zones. We demarcated quadrats of 200 m² in three villages chosen in each zone. To do this, we searched in the ground, the litter, on the leaves and tree trunks and then on the trees. The identification of molluscs was carried out using morphological criteria. Our study recorded 5089 ± 47.97 Achatina fulica (324 ± 9.13 in dry season and 4765 ± 38.84 in rainy season), 1794 ± 17.18 Laristes varicus (144 ± 1.02 in dry season and 1650 ± 15.97 in rainy season), 991 ± 22.45 Archachatina ventricosa (40 ± 2.2 in dry season and 951 ± 20.25 in rainy season), 968 ± 9.87 Limicolaria flammea (9 ± 0.99 in dry season and 959 ± 19.86 in rainy season), 444 ± 2.39 Gabbiella africana (432 ± 41.12 in dry season and 309 ± 38.21 in rainy season), 271 ± 1.44 Limacus flavus (12 ± 10.11 in dry season and 254 ± 23.28 in rainy season) and 187 ± 1.21 Mytilis edulis (36 ± 11.20 in dry season and 151 ± 21.02 in rainy season). At the end of our study, it appears that in the natural environment, the 7 species of molluscs collected vary according to the seasons. The populations of Bagoué, through their activities (bush fires, deforestation, slash-and-burn cultivation) have a considerable impact on the biotope. These activities could be a danger to the survival of molluscs. Thus, we suggest raising awareness among populations on environmental protection, strengthening measures for the protection and conservation of animal and plant species.
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Kouadio Behegbin Habib Herbert, Aman Jean Baptiste, Memel Jean Didié (2025), Diversity of molluscs in the Bagoue region (Côte d’ivoire): Influence of seasons; JBES, V26, N2, February, P102-115
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