Diversity, structure and effect of rare species and relative abundance of the over-represented species on arborescent layers’ diversity

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Research Paper 01/08/2018
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Diversity, structure and effect of rare species and relative abundance of the over-represented species on arborescent layers’ diversity

Katembo W. Eric, Amani A. Christian, Jean Lejoly, Nshimba S. M. Hippolyte
J. Bio. Env. Sci.13( 2), 102-112, August 2018.
Certificate: JBES 2018 [Generate Certificate]


The present study aims to analyze diversity, structure and effect of rare species rate and relative abundance of the over-represented species on arborescent layers’ diversity in Rubi Tele Domaine de Chasse (RTDC) mature forests. The RTDC (6227.74 km²) straddles the Tshopo and Bas-Uélé provinces in the North-Eastern part of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Inventories were realized and data were collected in 30 nested plots of 1 ha each where all trees with DBH ≥ 10 cm were taken into account. The floristic composition was evaluated thanks to taxonomic richness, Fisher’s Alpha index, Pielou equitability index and to the determination of rare species’ rate. Vegetation structure was determined using tree density, basal area and above ground biomass. The effect of rare species’ rate and relative abundance of the over-represented species on arborescent layers diversity was appreciated. The results of this study revealed a variability of diversity and structure parameters in this layer category and not in the other. These results revealed, moreover, an existence of effect of the rare species rate and the relative abundance of the over-represented species on diversity and structure of arborescent layers.


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