Does provisioning initiate more grooming interaction in primates : a study on Assamese macaque

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Does provisioning initiate more grooming interaction in primates : a study on Assamese macaque

Prabal Sarkar
J. Bio. Env. Sci.4( 3), 211-219, March 2014.
Certificate: JBES 2014 [Generate Certificate]


A comparison of grooming interactions within forest and the provisioned groups were studied in order to find out the effect of provisioning on grooming interaction on Assamese macaque. For this, two groups of Assamese macaque – one received provisioned food at the Tukreshwari temple, Goalpara and another, which was fully dependent on forest habitat at Jokai RF of Assam, India were selected. A 5 minutes Scan Sampling method was used to study the grooming interactions in both the provisioned and the forest groups. Data on the types of grooming behaviour and their age-sex variation, groomer-groomee relationship were also recorded. Study found higher grooming interaction both annually and seasonally in the provisioned group compared to the forest group irrespective to age-sex class. As the supplementary feeding involved higher agnostic interaction, a higher grooming interaction in the provisioned group further suggested its function as “tension reduction mechanism”.


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