Dynamic impacts of environmental degradation on the production of agricultural crops and land rent: a disaggregates analysis of Pakistan

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Research Paper 01/02/2020
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Dynamic impacts of environmental degradation on the production of agricultural crops and land rent: a disaggregates analysis of Pakistan

Naveed Wahid, Samina Khalil, Arshad Saleem, Jabbarul Haq, Wazir Ali Metlo, Muhammad Hafeez, Najmuddin Sahu, Altaf Hussain, Arman Khan, Maeenuddin, Masood Wahid Awan
Int. J. Biosci.16( 2), 208-221, February 2020.
Certificate: IJB 2020 [Generate Certificate]


It is very common that less developed countries concentrate on agriculture to fulfill their basic needs of living. The maximum proportion of employment is entirely dependent on agriculture and other sectors that have least contribution to gross domestic product of the respective countries. Similarly the dependence on agriculture is significant in Pakistan which is sometimes exploited by the climatic changes. The climatic changes create impacts on all kind of stakeholders of the society, particularly agricultural sector. The objective of this study is to investigate the impact of climatic changes on agricultural crops (rice and maize) and land rent that is the form of farmer’s income. The data of agricultural crops, land rent, and variable included in agricultural index and climatic index is collected from agricultural and metrological departments of Pakistan from 1993 to 2015. The data is regressed with Panel data analysis for four provinces of Pakistan. It is found that climatic variables are negative and significant with the dependent variables that are rice, maize and land rent, whereas variable included in agricultural index like tube wells consumption of fertilizers have positive and significant relationship with the dependent variables. The concerned departments may take the outcome of this study into consideration while making policies for said scenarios.


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