Economic and potential impact of various substrates with agro-wastes on physiology and yield of Pleurotus ostreatus-P2 production

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Research Paper 01/07/2018
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Economic and potential impact of various substrates with agro-wastes on physiology and yield of Pleurotus ostreatus-P2 production

Nasir Ahmad Khan, Javed Mureed, Imran Ul Haq, Muhammad Asif, Muhammad Muzammil Jahangir, Abdul Qadus
Int. J. Biosci.13( 1), 462-469, July 2018.
Certificate: IJB 2018 [Generate Certificate]


Mushroom is the best recycler of agro-wastes. This experiment was carried out in mushroom cultivation Lab during 2013. Complete randomized design was implied to record the data. The investigations were done using different substrate alone or mixed with banana leaves were to examine the mycelia growth and yield performance of Pleurotus ostreatus. Data for the research was recorded in days and statistical analysis was performed. It was reported previously that Pleurotus ostreatus -P2 takes more than thirty-five days to complete its mycelial growth. It was inferred that mixture of Banana leaves (50%) with Cotton waste (50%) substrate decreased the number of days taken to complete it growth to 24 days. Moreover, 25%, 50% and 75% mycelium was developed in nine to twenty days on an average. This Mixture of compost with equal concentration was proven useful in converting waste product into healthy and useful protein-diet for human consumption within less number of days. However, among all the performance of 3rd treatment was very appraising in very short time for fruitification development. Similarly, Maximum total yield was obtained from similar treatment (T3) giving (113.5g) first flush and total of 282g as a whole. Similarly, yield potential of T2 and T4 was quite near to T3 respectively. However, among all treatments the performance of last treatment containing Banana leaves (50%) and Ccoconut corn waste (50%) was very lower than the potential of yield T3. It can be concluded that equal concentration of banana leaves mixed with equal amount of agro-wastes would be equally useful to convert them into healthy consumable product for mushroom industry and provide employment chances for layman.


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