Effect of bio and mineral nitrogen fertilization on growth and quality of some sugar beet cultivars

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Research Paper 01/03/2021
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Effect of bio and mineral nitrogen fertilization on growth and quality of some sugar beet cultivars

AA Kandil, AEM Sharief, AMA Abdullah
Int. J. Agron. Agri. Res.18( 3), 1-10, March 2021.
Certificate: IJAAR 2021 [Generate Certificate]


Two field experiments were carried out at a private farm in Sharkia Governorate, Egypt, during 2017/2018 and 2018/2019 seasons to study the effect of bio and mineral nitrogen fertilization on growth and quality of some sugar beet cultivars. Each field experiment was carried out in split split-plot design with four replicates. The main-plots were occupied with cultivars (Hossam, Asus poly and Glorious). The sub-plots were allocated with biofertilization treatments i.e. treated Phosphorin, Cerealine and Potassiumag (450 g/fed of each) and control treatment. The sub sub-plots were devoted with nitrogen levels (70, 90 and 110kg N/fed). The results showed that Hossam cultivar significantly surpassed other cultivars in root fresh weight at 120 and 150 DFS, CGR, RGR and quality parameters. However, Asus poly cultivar registered the highest values of foliage fresh weight and LAI at 120 and 150 DFS. Treated soil with Cerealine produced the highest values of all studied growth attributes and quality characters. Fertilizing with 110kg N/fed resulted in the highest values of growth characters, followed by 90kg/fed and lastly 70kg N/fed. Whereas, fertilizing 90kg N/fed produced the best results of quality characters. It can be concluded that in order to maintain high growth and root quality of sugar beet at the same time reduce production costs and environmental pollution, it can be recommended that fertilizing Hossam cultivar with 90kg N/fed and treating soil with Cerealine under the environmental conditions similar to study region.


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