Effect of different environmental location on the estimation of genetic parameters in the characters of growth and yield of varieties of wheat

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Effect of different environmental location on the estimation of genetic parameters in the characters of growth and yield of varieties of wheat

Riyadh Jabbar Mansour Al-Maliki
J. Bio. Env. Sci.13( 1), 307-315, July 2018.
Certificate: JBES 2018 [Generate Certificate]


An experiment on nine varieties of wheat (tamoz 1, tamoz 2, Abba 95, Abba 99, maxebak, alrasheed, latefeae, Abu greeb and Sham 6) was carried out in three different locations (Wasit, Diwaniya and Dhi- Qar) during winter 2016-17. In order to estimate some of genetic traits. The experiment was applied according to RCBD, with three replicates. Assess the components of phenotypic variation (G and E) based on expected mean variance of the fixed model. The predicted genetic improvement was assessed and the phenotypic, genetic and environmental variances were significantly tested for zero. According to the environmental, genetic, and phenotypic variation, the extent of inheritance in the broad sense, and the limits of expected genetic improvement. alrasheed cultivar was the best in yield (4.267, 4.532, and 4.308 tons .e.1) for the location respectively. The second site gave the highest average grain yield (3.600 tons.h-1). Wasit Governorate recorded the highest variance and environmental difference coefficient (862.5 and 3.38) respectively. Diwaniyah Governorate achieved the highest genetic and phenotypic differences (27659.722 and 28522.222) respectively. While the province of Dhi-Qar showed a difference of genetic and phenotypic (18.693 and 18.847) sequentially. Dhi-Qar recorded highest inheritance rate in the broad sense (0.98), highest expected genetic and improvement percentage (244.963,28.738%), Compared to the governorates of Wasit and Diwaniyah.


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