Effect of different substrates and supplements on the growth and yield of Pleurotus floridanus Singer

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Research Paper 01/06/2018
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Effect of different substrates and supplements on the growth and yield of Pleurotus floridanus Singer

Muhammad Ishaq, Muhammad Fiaz, Saifullah, Muhammad Binyameen Khan, Shariat Ullah, Rameez Khan
J. Bio. Env. Sci.12( 6), 305-310, June 2018.
Certificate: JBES 2018 [Generate Certificate]


Pleurotus floridanus Singer was cultivated on wheat straw, paddy straw in pure form and supplement of wheat bran (15%) and lime (4%) to investigate their influence on mycelial growth, primordia appearance their maturity, flush wise yield, total yield and biological efficiency. A best mycelial growth (27.00±1.06 days), first primordia appearance (32.25±1.16 days) their maturity (34.00±0.92 days), maximum yield in each flush, total yield (1054.0 ±34.49g) and highest percent of biological efficiency (105.4%) was recorded on paddy straw + wheat bran 15%. Among all the used combination the slowest mycelial growth (32.00 ±1.30 days), most delay pinhead appearance (43.37 ±0.74 days) their maturity (48.00±1.06 days), minimum yield in each flush, total yield (633.00±22.53g) and lowest percent of B.E (63.37%) was recorded on wheat straw + wheat bran 15% + lime 4%. This study provide a solely information about cultivation and using of best substrate for mushroom cultivation and obtaining effective yield.


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