Effect of extreme heat stress on leaf temperature, TTC reduction, MTS quantification and yield components in four Mediterranean genotypes of durum wheat plants

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Research Paper 01/05/2018
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Effect of extreme heat stress on leaf temperature, TTC reduction, MTS quantification and yield components in four Mediterranean genotypes of durum wheat plants

Narimane Remili, Abdelhamid Djekoun
Int. J. Biosci.12( 5), 143-148, May 2018.
Certificate: IJB 2018 [Generate Certificate]


Algeria has not reached self-sufficiency in durum wheat because of several factors such as abiotic stresses including heat stress which strongly affects durum wheat crops, that’s why this work was carried out on four Mediterranean genotypes widely grown in Algeria to study their tolerance to this stress and know whether or not we can continue to cultivate them to go towards this much desired self-sufficiency. An experiment was conducted in greenhouse during the winter and spring seasons of 2016-2017. The experiment consisted of two treatments: control and heat stress (45°C) which was applied in the phytotron. Leaf temperature (LT) measurements were made using infrared thermometer. Membrane thermal stability (MTS) assay was done by measuring conductivity before and after autoclaving samples. Triphenyltetrazolium chloride reduction (TTC) were quantified by incubating samples in TTC solution and measuring optical density of each one at 530nm using a spectrophotometer. Measurements were done on the fifth and sixth leaves. At maturity, grain number per ear (GN/E) and weight of ears per pot (WE/P) were recorded. LT values did not reach 30°C in all genotypes. An average jump of 54,06% was recorded in TTC values under heat stress which correlated positively with MTS values (r= 0,536). A high negative correlation was held statistically between TTC, MTS and yield components. The ANOVA analysis made using XLSTAT shows significant but not fatal effect of heat stress on durum wheat plants without difference between genotypes studied supporting the hypothesis that Mediterranean genotypes are tolerant to heat stress conditions.


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