Effect of pretilachlor rate on grain yield and weed biomass in two rice cultivars
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Effect of pretilachlor rate on grain yield and weed biomass in two rice cultivars
This study was conducted at Rice Research Station of Tonekabon, Iran, in 2011. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the effect of different pretilachlor rates on grain yield of ‘Hashemi’ and ‘Deylamani’ rice cultivars, and to determine weed biomass and relative yield loss for both cultivars when pretilachlor was applied at below-label rates. The experimental design was a split plot where the whole plot portion was a randomized complete block with three replicates. Main plots were pretilachlor rates (0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2 liter ha-1) and subplots were two traditional rice cultivars (‘Hashemi’ and ‘Deylamani’). Result indicated that no significant differences were found in grain yield, yield components, relative yield loss, harvest index, rice biomass, weed biomass, and herbicide efficacy between ‘Hashemi’ and ‘Deylamani’ as averaged across herbicide rates. At the same time, ‘Hashemi’ was significantly taller than ‘Deylamani’. In contrast, ‘Deylamani’ produced greater leaf area compared to ‘Hashemi’. Regardless of rice cultivar, the highest grain yield, tiller number per m-2, grain number per panicle, rice biomass, leaf area index, and herbicide efficacy were observed in plots received recommended rate (2 L ha-1) of Pretilachlor, while the highest weed biomass and relative yield loss were found in plots received no herbicide. The results suggest that rice grain yield significantly reduces when pretilachlor is used at lower than recommended rates.
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Hashem Aminpanah, Peyman Sharifi, Ali mohaddesi, Abouzar Abbasian, Milad Javadi (2013), Effect of pretilachlor rate on grain yield and weed biomass in two rice cultivars; IJB, V3, N8, August, P150-158
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