Effect of sowing date on improved cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp.) varieties growth and yield components

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Research Paper 12/12/2023
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Effect of sowing date on improved cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp.) varieties growth and yield components

Soumabéré Coulibaly, Muhammad Auwal Hussaini, Idriss Sermé, Benoît-Joseph Batiéno, Shehu Usman Yahaya
Int. J. Biosci.23( 6), 224-233, December 2023.
Certificate: IJB 2023 [Generate Certificate]


Farmers are regularly faced to climate change and variability characterised by early or late onset of rains. Late onset of rains may have damageable impact on crops yield. It is important to investigate the effect of sowing date on improved cowpea varieties selected regarding their early or medium maturity cycle. A field experiment was conducted using a randomized completed block design with three replications during rainy season of 2020 in soudanian and soudano-sahelian zones of Burkina Faso to assess the effect of two sowing date, normal and late on agro-morphological characters of four improved cowpeas (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp.) varieties. The results showed that in both locations, characters such harvest index, fodder yield and grain yield were statistically similar within the location for normal and late sowing date. Also, it is observed that the varieties were inherently different in term of grain yield and location had significant influence on this trait. The average grain yield at Farako-Ba was 987.03 and 1010.57 kg/ha for normal and late sowing date, the variety Komcalle, Neerwaya, Tiligre and KVx745-11P recorded 1106.99, 1085.58, 981.61 and 821.02 kg/ha grain yield, respectively. At Kamboinse, the average grain yield was 1159.96 and 1140.03 kg/ha for normal and late sowing date, the variety Komcalle, Neerwaya, Tiligre and KVx745-11P recorded 1286.36, 1207.73, 1195.06 and 910.81 kg/ha, respectively. This study pointed out that soudano-sahelian zone is more favourable to cowpea production than soudanian. Then, farmers could use improved varieties in case of late onset of rains.


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